Monday, August 07, 2006

We had a wonderful visit with Lynne, our midwife this morning. We got to hear the beautiful heartbeat on the doppler, which was Padg's first time to hear it. That was thrilling. All is going quite well and we seem to be right on the estimated due date schedule of February 4th. I'm at 14 weeks and 1 day today. I'm officially in my second trimester now. YEA!!! Hopefully, I'll have an ultrasound picture to send with my next post. Have a great week everyone.
We had a wonderful time on our Colorado camping trip. We were very happy to escape the Dallas heat for a while. The weather was great there and it even rained on us a little each day. We really welcomed that seeing as how we haven't seen rain in Dallas since who knows when. ;) During our vacation, we had alot of time to think about and discuss whether or not we wanted to find out the gender of our baby. Our decision ended up being no. We're actually going to wait and let it be a surprise. I can't think of anything I'm more excited about than having Bryan be the first to know the sex and to be the one to tell me what it is.

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