Monday, October 26, 2009

Houston Trip

The boys and I drove down to Houston to get out of the way of the demolition. We had a great time...

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

It has begun. Demolition is complete and we're ready to start on everything else. Bryan and Bruce worked their tails off last week to get the demo done. Bruce even worked all week while Bryan was at the office. We are so happy and thankful for Bruce. We could not have gotten so much done so fast without him. Sure am sorry his truck got stolen while he was here. Hope that doesn't deter him from coming back 'cause we sure could use his help again.

Here are some demo pictures. We're moving the kitchen into the dining room/living room to make one big great room, moving the living room into the current master bedroom, and moving the master bedroom into the current kitchen. Wish us luck. We're gonna need it.

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