Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can't get enough

Topher just loves the spray park so much. We had to go again today. We met Allison and Luke there and just had all kinds of fun. Just wanted to share the memories...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Backyard Fun

Ok, so we wasted a little water while playing in the backyard, but it was sooooooo hot and we just needed to cool off. Topher loved playing in the pool and with the water hose. He also loves helping his daddy with our garden (or mini-garden if you will). We just have a couple of tomato plants, a bell pepper plant, and a jalapeƱo plant.

Mother's Day Out

I enrolled Topher in a Mother's Day Out program for the summer. He goes to this "day care" every Wednesday from 9am to 3pm. Last Wednesday, June 4th was his first day. I was a little nervous how he would react when I dropped him off, but it turns out there was no need to be. He was such a brave little guy. There were 3 kids who had just been dropped off and they were screaming bloody murder for their mommy's but Topher went in and headed straight for the toys and didn't even look back. I have to say I was the slightest bit hurt that he didn't cry when I left, but I was mostly proud. I've been told that it means he's very secure with himself.

I had a great day off. I went shopping for a dress to wear to a wedding and then I had lunch with a friend and just enjoyed having a few hours to myself to do what I wanted to do. This Wednesday I'm thinking of painting our dining room, or maybe rearranging the nursery to make room for his big boy bed. Or maybe I'll just relax and take it easy that day. Nah. :)

Here's a pic of him in the back of the day care room playing with the toys right before I left.

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas

We made another trip up to Kansas for the Memorial Day weekend and had loads of fun, as usual. Grandpa introduced Topher to the joys of mud puddles, wheel barrow rides, tractor rides. He also got to see some cows up close. He went to church with us on Sunday and I was so proud of him. He sat through the entire service without making a peep (mostly due to Grandpa's pocket full of Cheerios). ;) And thanks to Grandma, he was kept busy all weekend with tons of fun toys. Grandma kept all of his daddy's and uncle Jon's toys from when they were little so he got to play with those. It was a really great weekend. We started to head back to Dallas on Monday (Memorial Day) but had to turn around and go back because we were experiencing car troubles. Thank God for small towns because Grandpa called his mechanic and it was no problem for him to fix the problem that day. It only took him 2 hours to get it all fixed (on a holiday at that!). So we could've gone ahead and come back that day, but we decided to go ahead and stay another night instead.

So thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun holiday weekend.

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