Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3 more weeks...maybe

Saw the midwife this afternoon. I've already started dilating (meaning my cervix has started to open...sorry if that's TMI) at 1cm and am 40% effaced. Now, I have a friend who had dilated to 2cm and still took almost a month to go into labor and they even had to induce her a week early and she ended up giving birth to a 10.5 pound baby boy the au natural way (Kristy, you are my hero)!!! So, all that said, there's just no way to tell when Cole will make his appearance. It could take the full 3 weeks or it could happen tomorrow. The midwife told me not to get my hopes up for it to happen that soon, but she also thinks I won't make it the full 40 weeks. YEA!

So anyway. Just wanted to update you all on the situation. I'll let you all know when and if anything changes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break Work

The Padgham's came down to visit during Spring Break and helped us get all kinds of work done inside and out. We can't thank them enough for everything they've done. The two biggest projects were finishing up the irrigation and putting most of the plants in (still a few more to come). Here are some pictures. I can't wait to see the landscape in a few months after it fills in some. It's going to be so pretty.

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