Friday, February 06, 2009

Birthday Celebrations

We had a play date at the park for Topher's birthday last Friday. Topher's friends, Lydia, Pete, and Luke all came to play and then we had a picnic. We had a great time...until the boys found the mud and got filthy...

Then that evening, we had a nice quiet dinner at home to celebrate his birthday. I made his favorite dinner; hot dogs & mac & cheese (mommy and daddy had chili-cheese dogs...YUMMY!). Then we topped it all off with cupcakes. What a great day.

The end of this video is so cute. Listen to what he says after the candle finally gets blown out...

Happy Birthday, Topher!!!

Friends and Family, we welcome you to post a birthday message to Topher for him to read some day. Thanks so much!

Dear Topher,

I can not believe it's been two years already. Time is going by way too fast. Before we know it, you'll be all grown up. And as I can't wait to see the wonderful man I'm sure you'll grow into, it makes me sad in so many ways. But I know there are so many special occasions and wonderful memories still to come. Your daddy and I look forward to each and every one of them. You are the most special thing in our lives and it would be impossible to tell you how much we love you, so we'll just have to keep showing you every day.

You're going to be a big brother soon and I know you're going to be the greatest. Your little brother is going to love you so much and he will look up to you in so many ways. I know he's going to learn great things from you.

I just wanted you to be able to read this one day and know how wonderful we think you are. Your personality is shining so brightly already. You have an infectious laugh and smile, a super sweet disposition, and you give the best hugs ever.

Happy Birthday, my angel. I love you so very much.

2 years old, and already you're teaching me things I never knew. Humans can drink dog water on all fours. Farts are hilarious (actually I already knew that one). Ink will sometimes wash out of a sofa cushion. The only thing better than being happy is being happy outdoors. Hot dogs are better than all other foods put together. Dogs will play with anyone given the right initiative. Falling a distance equal to your height doesn't hurt if nobody saw it. And pretending to be a flying space ranger is truly one of life's little gifts.

Happy birthday son! You're getting way too big way too fast. You never cease to amaze me with your unconditional love for everyone you meet. I hope that is a trait that never leaves you. Your world is about to be turned upside down, but you should never ever doubt how much your mother and I love you. Now stop feeding your little brother cat food.



Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Braggin' on myself

Had another midwife appointment today. I'm 30 weeks along and I am super proud to say that I've kept my weight gain down to only 13 pounds so far. By the 30th week with Topher, I had already gained 21 pounds. YIKES!!! I owe it all to the walking. With any luck, I'll weigh less than I did when I got pregnant after this little fella comes out. And I'll be completely ready to start training for the half marathon in November. Fingers crossed. Speaking of the little fella, he's measuring a little big. I'm at 30 weeks gestation, but he's measuring at 32 weeks, so I'm thinking he might be bigger than Topher was when he was other words "OUCH!!".

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