Friday, October 10, 2008

Another visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Got to go to the Arboretum's Pumpkin Patch yesterday with my friends Luke, Ethan, and Peyton. Had a great time...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

These pictures are from a few weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to posting them. Bryan and I got free tickets to a Ranger baseball game and got to take Topher. I think he had a pretty good time. And so did we. We don't get to hang out with these friends often enough, so it was great to spend some time with them.

Big boy bed

Well we finally got up the nerve to try Topher out in his big boy bed for nap time today and I am so happy to report that as I type these words, he is sleeping like a...well, a baby. It took a little while to get him to actually lie down. He kept wanting to get up and play with all his toys. But finally, after about 30 minutes or so, we noticed he wasn't making any noise and we knew that he had fallen asleep. So I crept in to get a picture and noticed that he brought a few of his toys into bed with him. He's just too cute...

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