Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thanksgiving in Kansas

We loaded up and headed north to Kansas for Topher's first Thanksgiving and ended up experiencing Topher's first snow as well. It was beautiful and we had a great time playing in it. It didn't last long, though. It was pretty much all melted by the end of the day. Kind of like it does when it snows in Dallas. ;)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Topher's first Halloween was so much fun. We went to a party at Luke's house and got to see all our friends. Thanks, Allison and Luke, for inviting us to such a great party. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It takes so little to amuse our little guy. He's gonna be pretty ticked off at me when he's a teen because he's naked in this video, but I think the room is dark enough to hide private items. I just had to share this. It's greatness...

Sunday, October 21, 2007


More of Padg's handiwork...

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch at the Dallas Arboretum last week with my friend Allison and Topher's friend Luke. We had a great time...

Monday, October 01, 2007

Busy weekend...

Topher learned 3 new things this weekend and all are pretty big milestones. We're so proud of him...

1) On Thursday, the 27th, he learned to sit himself up all by himself...

2) On Saturday, the 29th, he learned to pull himself up to a standing position (only have pic, no video)...3) And we knew he would be doing this very soon and we were right. He crawled for the first time this morning. YEA!!...

Way to go Topher! Daddy and I are so proud...and a little scared that you're mobile now. ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Geez mom...

...do you have to kiss me a million times a day?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Seven months old

Gettin' places...

Well he's mobile. Not quite crawling, yet, but scootin' all over the place. I'm guessing it won't be long now. :)

Labor Day Weekend with Grandma & Grandpa

Friday, August 17, 2007

Daddy's fired!

Padg's first time to feed Topher solids was a real treat. I think daddy might need a little more training. Sure made for some funny video, though. Sorry about the shaky camera action, but I just couldn't stop laughing. :) Aftermath photos follow the video.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another Houston trip

Took another trip to Houston last weekend for my niece's "Off to College" party. Had a great time visiting with family. Here's some pics...

Monday, August 06, 2007


I can't believe how fast these past 6 months have flown by...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

He finally did it!! He started rolling over onto his tummy last week. He's been rolling over onto his back for a while, so it's exciting now that he can do both. And he's also starting to spend a little more time on his tummy. He still doesn't like it all that much, though.

Anyway, he's getting so big and still changing all the time. I can't believe he's going to be 6 months old tomorrow!

My feet are YUMMY!!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

He's sittin' up!!

I'm so proud of him. I still have to stay right by him when he's doing it, though, to catch him when he tips over. He still refuses to spend any time on his tummy (he's learned to roll onto his back from his tummy so now every time I put him on his tummy, he immediately rolls over). I think he might skip crawling and go straight to walking. He'll pull up to stand but only when I'm holding his hands. ;)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Such a big boy...

He's sitting up on his own now, if only for a few seconds. Doesn't take long for him to topple over but he'll have it down before too long now. Oh and just so you know, his shirt is soaked because he's teething and drooling all over everything. ;)

He got his first tooth a few weeks ago and his second one just peeked through his gum today. It's kind of hard to see in this picture but it's the little white spot right above the middle of his lower lip...

Monday, July 02, 2007

Houston Trip

We loaded Topher up and hauled him down to Houston this past weekend for his 2nd road trip in as many weekends. We went for his cousin Averie's 1st birthday party. Oh what a time we had.

This is a must see. Averie eating her first birthday cake...

More pics from the weekend...

And you have got to see this video. Topher really loves his Mimi...

Kansas Trip

We took Topher on his first long road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Kansas last weekend. We were still on the road up there when his bedtime came around and he wasn't happy about not being in bed so we had to stop and get a hotel room. But that was the only problem we encountered on the trip. He was a pretty good traveler on the way back. We had so much fun visiting all of Padg's friends and family. Here are some pics of the adventure...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Play Date

Beth & Little Pete, Allison & Luke, and Becca & Thatcher came over to play with me and Topher today. We had so much fun...!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Grandma & Grandpa's visit...

My Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me this weekend and we had so much fun. They came to help Uncle Jon move to his new apartment, but I think their main mission was to come play with me. =)

Friday, May 18, 2007


I've been sleeping through the night for 2 whole weeks now. My longest stretch of sleep has been TWELVE HOURS!!! My mommy and daddy are very happy about that. Oh, and I've just started rolling onto my side in my sleep. Pretty soon, I bet I'll be able to roll over onto my tummy. I bet that will be really comfy. Can't wait!!

This is fun...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

What a wonderful Mother's Day

Today was my first Mother's Day and it was so much fun. Topher, Bryan, Uncle Jon and I all went to The Harbor out in Rockwall. We had a yummy lunch at Dodie's and then walked around for a bit. Bryan's company did all the landscape planning for The Harbor. It sure looks great out there. It's a really fun place to spend the day.

Anyway, I hope all you other moms had a fantastic day today. =)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sleeping like an angel...

This pic was just too cute not to post...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Three months today!

Time is going by way too fast. I can't believe he's already three months old. He seems to change a little bit every day. He's becoming more and more vocal, he's holding his head up like a champ, he's almost laughing, and now he's sitting up with support. He's such a good baby, too. He seems very happy most of the time. Oh, and the most exciting news of all...he slept through the night for the first time Friday night!! And he slept a full 6 hours last night. YEA!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Funny face...

Topher is starting to laugh now. I almost got him to do it in this video, but only got a giggle or two instead. I'm sure he'll be laughing alot any day now. Until then, hope you enjoy this. He makes the funniest face when I pinch his cheeks. I don't know which one of us is having more fun. He just cracks me up! =)

Fyi, if you click on the rectangle at the bottom of the video, it'll make the video a little smaller and clearer.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Topher in his Bumbo...

First trip to Aggieland

Topher and I drove to College Station, TX for Aggie Muster last weekend. Although we had a nice time, I don't think he's quite ready for road trips yet. Here's a picture of him and his beautiful cousin Averie.

Topher in his Bumbo...

He's such a big boy now. =)

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