Thursday, December 17, 2009

More videos

I took the boys to the park the other day and Cole got to swing for the very first time. He loved it, of course. Sorry the video is a little shaky. It was quite windy out...

Topher sang in his first concert tonight. His class sang two songs and they did so great. Unfortunately, you can't really hear what they're singing. I don't think the microphone did a very good job. But that's ok. I thought it was beautiful anyway...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Family Portraits

We went all out and got professional portraits taken this year. I'm so happy with the results. Thank you to Sarah Dorn of Sara Bella Photography ( for doing such a beautiful job. Here are a few of my favorites...

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Cole Pics

Our littlest man is just growing and growing. And his little personality is really starting to shine. He's such a sweet guy. He's sitting up now, but still not quite good enough for me to leave his side when he does. He still topples over after a bit, but he's getting better and better every day. Here are some pictures...

And a video of him sitting up...

My Wildcat Men

In my opinion, the Kansas State Wildcats had a banner year in football. With Coach Snider back at the helm, the Cats came really close to Big 12 North Championship after a really, really bad year last season. So we're pretty proud of the team in this house. Obviously...

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Fun with Friends

Over the last couple of months, Topher has had loads of fun with friends. Luke came over for a super fun play date one day and they laughed and played and danced and wore each other out. It was quite entertaining to watch them. Here's a video. Sorry it's kind of shaky in some places.

We've also had the pleasure of keeping Miss Lydia a couple times and she is just so much fun. Topher loves it when she comes over (or when he gets to go to her house to play. We've kind of got a babysitting swap going on with the Lines). Here's a video of a fun game they like to play called, "Fall down"...

Allison and I loaded up the boys (all 4 of them) and headed to McKinney to the Heard Museum to see the animatronic dinosaur attraction. That was so cool. I recommend checking it out if you can. The dinosaurs are there until the end of January. Here are the pictures from that day...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cole is Six Months Old...revised

Sorry everyone, but I had to delete and re-post this because some jerk posted a comment with spam for viagra. That's not really something I'd like to have on my blog and I couldn't find a way to just delete that comment. The original date for this post was 10/16/09.

Cole is now the big 6 months. Can't believe it. He's becoming so verbal and is such a happy little guy. He weighed in at 16lbs 9oz and is 27" tall. He's such a cute little red-headed booger. And he loves his big brother so much. He loves to watch Topher play and he always gives the biggest smiles to his brother. Unfortunately, Topher still isn't all that interested in Cole. We're hoping that'll change once Cole is big enough to play with him. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Houston Trip

The boys and I drove down to Houston to get out of the way of the demolition. We had a great time...

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

It has begun. Demolition is complete and we're ready to start on everything else. Bryan and Bruce worked their tails off last week to get the demo done. Bruce even worked all week while Bryan was at the office. We are so happy and thankful for Bruce. We could not have gotten so much done so fast without him. Sure am sorry his truck got stolen while he was here. Hope that doesn't deter him from coming back 'cause we sure could use his help again.

Here are some demo pictures. We're moving the kitchen into the dining room/living room to make one big great room, moving the living room into the current master bedroom, and moving the master bedroom into the current kitchen. Wish us luck. We're gonna need it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kansas trip

Went to Kansas to get Topher after a fun-filled week with Grandma and Grandpa. Bryan and I also made it to the KSU vs. UMass game. It was a very fun weekend and was great to see family and friends. Here are some pics...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Decisions, decisions...

Just some pics...

Well it's been another whole month since I've posted. Sorry about that. It's been kind of busy in the Padgham household. There's not really a lot to post so I'm just going to put up some pictures of the boys. Enjoy...

Topher is getting so big and becoming such a good big brother...

Cole is still growing like a weed at 14lbs 6oz and 25 inches long...

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Man, have I been slackin' on my posts or what? Sorry about that. I'll try not to go so long between posts next time. Anyway, here's what's been happening at the Padgham household lately...

Topher has been on two vacations in the past few weeks. We headed up to Oklahoma for the Padgham family reunion in June and ended up sending Topher back to Kansas with Grandpa and Grandma Padgham for a week. Boy did he have a fantastic time. And I'm pretty sure Grandma and Grandpa had a pretty fantastic time as well...

Then, we packed up the family again and headed down to Houston to visit my family for the 4th of July weekend. We had such a great time. Us Morris' sure do love cooking and eating especially when we can all get together for it. Bryan, Cole and I left that Sunday, but Topher stayed in Houston that week with his Aunt Teri and Uncle Robbie and also stayed with his Mimi and Papa some. He had so much fun I wondered if he would be willing to come home with me when I went to pick him up.

Things are getting back to normal now. Bryan took Topher to see the new Ice Age movie this afternoon and he loved it. He did have a bit of an accident this morning, though. Got tripped up by a dog at a friends house and really thumped his noggin hard on the concrete driveway. He's got quite the bobo on his forehead, but he really handled it well. All the tears went away pretty fast after he got himself a popsicle. Then all was right with the world. Here's a pic of his ouchie...

Now, on to Cole. My goodness this boy is getting big. He is such an easy baby...most days. He's doing quite well on his sleep schedule. And he's sleeping through the night consistantly now. He sleeps from about 7:30pm until 6:30 or 7:30am. He's smiling all the time and has even started laughing some. And he looks more and more like Bryan every day.

And that's about it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and videos. Love to all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So much to talk about...

Let's start off with Topher. He is now officially a "Big Boy!!!" I am so proud to announce that Topher is potty trained (mostly). We started last Friday and boy was it a stressful weekend, but it has finally paid off. He still has little accidents, but that's to be expected for a little bit. Most of his accidents occur when Daddy is home, but that's just because he loves playing with Bryan so much that he refuses to take time out of playing with him to go potty. I'm sure that will get better soon. I'm also thrilled that at his first day back to school today, he only had one accident! I was so nervous about school today that I packed 5 extra pairs of undies and pants just in case. ;) So here are some pictures of our big boy, Topher in his cute little big boy undies. Congratuations, Topher. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!
Now let's talk about Cole. He's now 2 months old and that alone is just crazy. I can't believe it's been two months already! He had his check-up today and weighed in at 12lbs 8 oz and measured 23 1/8" in length. He's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. He's actually already wearing size 3-6 months clothes (the shorts he's in below didn't fit Topher until he was 9 months old). On a sad note, he got 3 vaccinations today and HATED every second of it. Poor little guy. They've really gotta figure out a better way to give vaccines to children. Shots are just so cruel. :( Here are some current pictures of this little sweetie...
And FINALLY!! After many, many tries I was able to get Topher to hold Cole long enough to get some pictures. He actually asked to hold him this time. I guess he's warming up to the idea of being a big brother. Even more to be proud of...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Weekend

The Padgham's came to visit over the holiday weekend. It was a great visit. Bryan and I even got to go out on a date for our anniversary! It was our first date night since Cole was born. We went out for appetizers and cocktails and then went to see Star Trek. Awesome movie by the way. Thank you to Bruce, Shari and Jon for babysitting for us. We had a great time. Here are some pictures from the weekend. Oh, and congratulations to Grandma Shari on her retirement!!!

Date night...

Chillin'......and grillin'Topher "helping" daddy with a project...
...and concentrating very hard...Grandpa with Cole.Topher loving his ice cream.Cole wanting to be naked.Time for Grandma and Grandpa to go home. :(

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