Saturday, November 15, 2008

18 Weeks

Well, I'm 18 weeks pregnant now. Feeling bigger than ever. I had a midwife visit on Wednesday and all is going well. Shockingly, I've only gained TWO pounds. I don't know how that's possible because I look like I have a small pig in my belly. I had Bryan take a picture so I could compare it to the last pregnancy. Turns out, I'm as big at 18 weeks as I was with Topher at 24 weeks (maybe even a little bigger). I've posted both pics so you can see for yourself...

18 Weeks w/baby #2...
24 Weeks with Topher...

1 comment:

Uniquebouquets said...

You look like you're carrying differently too. You looked much higher with topher.

Girl, I'm 34 weeks this week. Getting to the point where I hope Caleb will be here soon.

Miss you. Let's get together soon.

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