Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Let's see, where should I start? I guess I'd better start with an update on Baby. All is still going great. Baby is a little over 2 pounds now and about 14 inches long. He/she is growing like a beautiful little weed. Movement is pretty much non-stop and I'm loving every second of it. News from my midwife visit earlier this week...the heart rate is at 156 and sounds healthy and strong. She drew blood for the diabetes test and a complete blood count to make sure I have no infections or anemia or any other complications. She said she'd be really surprised if any of the tests came back positive. They'll only call me with the results if there's something wrong.

Update on me...I'll be 7 months along this Sunday, 11/12. And other than my huge feet and non-existant ankles, I'm doing really well. ;)

Update on Padg...He's more than half-way there on his way to becoming a Licensed LA. He passed all three licensing exams he took at the beginning of October. He'll take the other two exams next summer and then he'll be all done. It's not very common to pass these tests on the 1st try, but he did it and I am so proud of him. ;)

Update on tool shed (see pictures below)...We've gotten as much done as possible to prepare for the "Big Build" scheduled over the Thanksgiving holidays. So far, Padg and Rob have broken up and removed the existing concrete slab (which at some point in the past served some sort of purpose). Then they dug a deep trench and installed a drainage system. Our backyard used to get inundated with rain water flowing in from the property behind ours, but now it flows right down the drainage system and into the street. Works like a charm. This past weekend was the fun part. A concrete truck barely squeezed through our very narrow driveway and poured the concrete for the new slab. Padg and Rob certainly outdid themselves shoveling that heavy cement into place. I tried picking up half a shovel full just to see how heavy it was, and well, it was pretty heavy. I couldn't lift it two inches off the ground. So they definitely got a good work out that day. They made it look so easy. Rob, we simply can not thank you enough for all your help. We'll sure try to, though.

So now we're ready for the "Big Build" and we're really looking forward to having the Padgham's here to help us. In the meantime, we'll be in Kansas this weekend for the K-State/t.u. game and then we're off to Houston the following weekend for my first baby shower. Can't wait!!

Well, that's all for now. Hope you're all doing great. Until next time...GO WILDCATS!!

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