Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Cheap entertainment

It's all fun and games until somebody tips the baby out of the laundry basket. Note: No children were injured in the making of this video.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Topher's little brother...

Here he is. Our beautiful baby boy. I had my sonogram yesterday (11/19) and all is going wonderfully with the little man. He was moving around quite a bit. At one point, it looked like he was playing peek-a-boo with us. Very cute. We are so thrilled that Topher will have a brother to play with (and boss around). Anyway, just wanted to share the photos. I'll try to explain what you're looking at for each pic...

Picture him on his back with his butt in the air doing the bicycle exercise...
This one is simple enough. He's on his back looking up...He's got his hands on either side of his face as if he's playing the "boo" part of peek-a-boo...And the money shot. Took him forever to show us the stuff, but he finally did. You're looking from the bottom part of him.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

18 Weeks

Well, I'm 18 weeks pregnant now. Feeling bigger than ever. I had a midwife visit on Wednesday and all is going well. Shockingly, I've only gained TWO pounds. I don't know how that's possible because I look like I have a small pig in my belly. I had Bryan take a picture so I could compare it to the last pregnancy. Turns out, I'm as big at 18 weeks as I was with Topher at 24 weeks (maybe even a little bigger). I've posted both pics so you can see for yourself...

18 Weeks w/baby #2...
24 Weeks with Topher...

Monday, November 03, 2008

A Spooktackular Halloween

What a fun-filled week we had. We started off with a Halloween party at Topher's school on Wednesday...

Then on Halloween Day, we went to Luke's 2nd Annual Halloween Party...

And of course, we had to do some Trick-or-Treating Friday night. After that, we headed over to the Line's home for a little more festivities...

I love these pics...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Another visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Got to go to the Arboretum's Pumpkin Patch yesterday with my friends Luke, Ethan, and Peyton. Had a great time...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

These pictures are from a few weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to posting them. Bryan and I got free tickets to a Ranger baseball game and got to take Topher. I think he had a pretty good time. And so did we. We don't get to hang out with these friends often enough, so it was great to spend some time with them.

Big boy bed

Well we finally got up the nerve to try Topher out in his big boy bed for nap time today and I am so happy to report that as I type these words, he is sleeping like a...well, a baby. It took a little while to get him to actually lie down. He kept wanting to get up and play with all his toys. But finally, after about 30 minutes or so, we noticed he wasn't making any noise and we knew that he had fallen asleep. So I crept in to get a picture and noticed that he brought a few of his toys into bed with him. He's just too cute...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

13 Weeks

Well, I am finally out of my first trimester and still feeling pretty well. I had my first midwife appointment last Wednesday and got to hear the beautiful heartbeat. That kind of made it all "real". My tummy is already getting bigger and let's face it, it was pretty big to start with so at only 13 weeks, I already look as though I'm 6 month's preggo. ;) I'm scared to see what I'll look like when I actually am 6 months along, not to mention 9 months! YIKES!! But my friend Allison and I have been walking 3 miles most days of the week so that's helping a lot. I'm hoping to keep the weight gain down to a respectable amount. My midwife said I should only gain 15-20 pounds and I think I insulted her when I laughed in her face. But we'll see. I'll do my darndest. If only those stupid cakes, pies, chocolates, candies, etc. would stop calling my name. :)

Bryan and I have decided that we'd find out the baby's gender this time around. We loved the anticipation and surprise of not knowing with Topher, but since we've already gone that route, we thought we'd give the other way a try. It'll be fun to know what to expect this time so we can plan accordingly. I'll have a sonogram in 6 to 8 weeks to find out if it has a wee-wee or a hoo-hoo. I'll be sure to post the results as soon as I have them...hopefully with a few sono pics as well.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hippie boy no more

Topher got his hair cut today and boy did he ever need it. Here's a before and after picture. He looks like such a little man now, instead of a hippie. ;)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Wow. I got on the blog today to do a quick update and started looking at all the old posts. I am sitting here in complete amazement at how fast time has gone by and how big our baby boy is getting. He's growing up so fast and is changing so much all the time. I'm finding myself missing him as a baby, but also beaming with pride at what a wonderful person he is becoming. He's such a happy guy (most of the time). :) My favorite part of the day is when Padg and I wake up and hear Topher in his crib singing to himself. It cracks us up. Then we'll go in to get him and he'll put on a little song-and-dance show for us. He is quite the morning person. Padg asked me the other day as we were watching him play if I ever thought I'd love anything so much. Actually, I never knew that so much love even existed. I guess I know how God feels now. :)

I'll get back to the original reason for this new post now. I am so very excited to announce that our beautiful little boy is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! April 15th is the date and we are thrilled. I can't wait to go through all the joys (and pains!) of a tiny baby again and also be able to experience all the wonderfullness that I'm sure Topher will be as a brother.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Colorado Camping Trip

Oh boy! What a warm welcome home...literally. You just don't realize how hot and humid Dallas really is until you get away from it for a week. But I guess it's good to be home regardless. Though I sort of wish I were still at the camp site where it barely reached the mid-70's while we were there. At any rate, here's a short summary of our trip (I've divided the pictures into 3 sets so it won't take forever to view them all. There's also a video at the end.)...

We arrived around 5:30pm or so on Saturday, the 19th. Topher went straight for the shovel and dirt and hardly stopped playing in it until we left over a week later. He had the best time. I've never seen him more happy. He was definitely in his element. He's a true outdoorsman, that's for sure. Besides playing in the dirt, he enjoyed running around the camp site, going for walks around the campgrounds, feeding the chipmonks and squirrels with Grandpa, and playing with his toys in the camper with Grandma. Following are all the "Topher pics" from the trip...

As for the rest of us, I think we had just as much fun as Topher did. We got to do some hiking and fishing and general sight-seeing. Bruce, Jon, Padg and I hiked the Weminuche (Wem-in-ooch) Trail on Wednesday (http://www.coloradowilderness.com/wildpages/weminuche.html). It's about a 6-mile hike and a really good part of it is uphill. But once you get to "the meadows" (see pics) there's great fishing. I'm getting better and better at fly fishing. I caught about 8 fish that day. None were very big, but that's ok. Jon caught about 35 and Padg caught about 15 so it was a pretty good day. The guys also hiked up the "Ute Creek Trail" (sorry, I didn't go so there are no pictures). Padg caught a bunch of fish but also slid pretty far down a steep slope. He escaped mostly uninjured though, thank goodness. I rode up to "Sawmill Canyon" with the guys to watch them gather firewood. It's beautiful up there. And it was fun watching the strong men in action. ;) Jon, Padg and I left one morning and went in search of a new river to fish up high on Sawmill Canyon, but when we finally found it, it was only about a foot wide, so it turned out to be a bust. But it wasn't a complete loss. It was a fun and sometimes scary 4-wheel drive ride up there. And we ended up following a suggested trail high up on the mountain that overlooks our campground (called 30-mile campground). So that was pretty cool, too. Some of the other fun we had included going into town (Creede, Co. www.creede.com) for some shopping (after doing the laundry). There's a store there that has the best fudge you've ever eaten. YUMMY! Creede is about a 45-minute to an hours drive from the campsite. And of course we had to stop at Freeman's General Store for some of the tastiest cheeseburgers and home made ice cream in the world.

Finally, I've got a great video for ya. And there's a story behind it so here goes. One day while eating at the table, Topher leaned over and...well...let's just say he passed gas. We all thought it was pretty funny that he leaned over to do it and so we laughed. Well, he figured out that we were laughing at what he did, so he leaned over and tried to pass more gas. It was priceless. Well a couple of days later he did the same thing while eating with Grandma and Grandpa while Jon, Padg and I were out and about. So Grandpa decided to teach him how to lean over and make a "gass-passing" noise with his mouth. So here's Topher doing his "Grandpa trick"...

And that's about it. The weather was perfect aside from a little rain with slight hail most afternoons around 2pm. A couple of days the rain lasted into the night. But we didn't mind much. It's pretty cool sleeping in a tent and listening to the rain and the fast-flowing creek behind us. It just doesn't get much better.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Swimming pool fun

We went to a pool-side baby shower a couple of weeks ago. Sure was fun.

Padg's birthday weekend...

Padg turned 33 on Saturday. Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can't get enough

Topher just loves the spray park so much. We had to go again today. We met Allison and Luke there and just had all kinds of fun. Just wanted to share the memories...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Backyard Fun

Ok, so we wasted a little water while playing in the backyard, but it was sooooooo hot and we just needed to cool off. Topher loved playing in the pool and with the water hose. He also loves helping his daddy with our garden (or mini-garden if you will). We just have a couple of tomato plants, a bell pepper plant, and a jalapeƱo plant.

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